Dr. Ozgur is an award-winning US neurosurgeon specializing in minimally invasive spine surgery, and a senior consultant for standalone cervical technology for GS Medical. He recently shared his insights on standalone cervical technology – benefits of the procedure and technical tips.
Question1. You have a great reputation for your standalone cervical techniques. What are the benefits of standalone technology compared to other cervical procedures?
Dr. Ozgur: I believe that there are several benefits for a zero-profile standalone ACDF Interbody implant. One benefit is a thinner profiled anterior cervical device compared to a traditional ACDF plate. The reason this is better is because there is less material potentially irritating the esophagus, therefore less dysphagia. Also, another benefit is the fact that each Interbody device acts as a single level fusion, even in a multi-level case. The biomechanics of ACDF fusion show that a traditional single level ACDF has a higher fusion rate than a traditional multi-level ACDF. With this technique of using multiple zero-profile standalone devices, each level acts biomechanically as a single level ACDF.
Q2. Can you share some of your unique technical tips that make your standalone cervical procedure exceptional? What would be the most important things for successful standalone procedures?
Dr. Ozgur: I believe the same biomechanics and preparation standards exist. Also important is the placement of the device. The device should be placed along the anterior edge of the vertebral bodies. The screws should enter at or as close to the anterior and endplate corner as possible. This is the strongest point for the screws.
Q3. What kinds of further advances can be made for standalone cervical systems?
Dr. Ozgur: Perhaps more advances will be made around materials and surface technology to enhance bone growth/fusion.
Q4. What would be the ideal role for the medical device company in helping advance the technology and helping surgeons and patients have outstanding experiences?
Dr. Ozgur: The ideal role is to work objectively with surgeons in learning the effectiveness of the devices and their outcomes in order to continually improve service to patients.